Watch for the Light Advent Devotional
Week 2 ┃ Advent Love
By Sheila Sekela
Have you ever had the power go out on a really dark evening, and had to search for a candle or a flashlight? Do you remember the relieved and almost joyful feeling when you got that little light going, and how just a little light pushed back the darkness? This advent season at South Elkhorn Christian Church our theme is “Watch for the Light,” and this week’s word is Love.
I took a quick look in my Bible concordance at the word “Love”; there were three full pages of it! The only other word listed that many times is “Lord”, so I think it is safe to say that love is central to understanding Who it is we worship and why He truly is the Light of the World.
As I glanced through the list of “love”, I noticed that “Unfailing love” and “Love endures forever” occurs over and over. Twenty-six times each, as a matter of fact. There are many aspects to God’s love, too many to count, but one thing that sets it apart is that it is unfailing and eternal.
That certainly isn’t true of what sometimes passes for love in the world is it? Words like “fickle” come to mind, words like “conditional” and “grown apart.” Human love can flicker out, and though some say “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”, I have my doubts. Even our deepest and most enduring loves, though, do not hold a candle to the unfailing and eternal love of God in Christ.
No matter how evil humanity became, God’s love endured and a remnant was spared. No matter how many times Israel rebelled, He was faithful. Over centuries He demonstrated His love through prophets and poets and miracles, and eventually through the life Jesus lived. And through the death He died.
I am so grateful for God’s unfailing love, largely because I know I don’t deserve it. I have been fickle and unfaithful, and I suspect I’m not the only one. In those seasons, the world seems darker somehow. Isn’t it wonderful that when we turn back to Him, the light of His unfailing love shines on us once again?
Perhaps the best part is that the love of Christ can shine through us, into this dark world. The greater the darkness, the brighter we shine! As we watch for the light in this Advent season, maybe we can also be the light that points those around us to the One who truly is the Light of the World, Jesus. I can’t think of a better way to show Him our love.