Worship in a different way: Digital Liturgy
Now we gather in a different way.
Though we are not able to assemble in person as we normally do on a Sunday morning, still we are connected by the Spirit of Christ across time and place.
This weekend you can experience a ‘digital liturgy’ (here) and embrace the opportunity God offers us.
Liturgy is a word that means “the work of the people.” That’s what worship is–you, me, and so many more each working together to do the important, life-giving, and transformative work of worship. Worship isn’t a building, a service, or a leader. It is much more mysterious, holy, and beautiful than that. It is what happens when people–no matter where or how they are gathered–show up and become present to God, the One who makes us each and all new.
Grace to you and Peace,
Michael Swartzentruber
Senior Minister