Sunday Worship Update & More
I am missing you dearly. I pray you and your loved ones remain healthy. As this unexpected season sparked by the coronavirus continues to unfold, I want to share some updates (below), including our new timeline for in person gatherings. I look forward with great hope to that day when we can be in person again. I anticipate looking back on how much we learned, how creatively we stayed connected, how we worshiped in new ways, and how we continued inspiring Christ’s deeper way of love.
- Based on social distancing guidelines from State and Federal authorities, the first Sunday we intend to worship in person is May 3, 2020.
- That date will be re-evaluated in April based on the direction of local, state, and federal officials and how we can best lead with love during this time.
- The church building and offices are closed to in-person visits through April 30, 2020.
- Most staff are working remotely, including monitoring office phone messages and emails. Only a few staff are entering the building for essential functioning, and maintain physical distancing in separate, closed office space.
- Recording for worship and videos has now been completed in advance or will be done without further close contact between staff members.
- The Cabinet (governing board) voted in March to guarantee the regular weekly pay of hourly employees otherwise unable to clock-in. This means nursery attendants, children’s coordinators, and others can be assured they will not lose income due to the postponement of worship and regular in-person activities or due to sickness. Hourly staff are also helping with special projects that can be completed remotely.
Inspiring Christ’s deeper way of love happens as we continue to connect, care, grow, serve, and invest. Here’s how you can do that:
…with God:
- Worship service videos and resources can be found online at
- Worship service videos and resources can be found online at
- If you would like to receive the weekly liturgy in print form, please contact the church office by phone (859.223.1433) or email (
- Creative and new digital worship opportunities are also in the works for Holy Week (April 6-10) so stay tuned!
…with each other:
- Easter Digital Liturgy: Video yourself or your family declaring “He is risen, indeed!” and send it to me by Wednesday, April 8 ( Be sure it is recorded in portrait (vertical, not sideways) and leave a second or two before and after you speak.
- Easter Parade! We are working on safe, physically distant logistics to drive our cars from South Elkhorn through the Palomar neighborhood on Easter Sunday at 11:00 AM. If you are interested in learning more and being a part of that, sign up at or call the church office (859-223-1433)
Reach out with a card, call, or prayer.
- You can access the church directory online.
- Administrator Stasia Kruse can provide you with directions on how to do so.
- Contact her by phone (859.223.1433) or email (
If you have a need or know of one in our church family–supplies, securing groceries, financial hardship–please reach out and let us know. You can also use the prayer request form at:
Zoom is a great way to meet online for small groups.
- Several Sunday Schools, bible studies, and teams are using it.
- If you’d like to get plugged in to one of these groups, or start a zoom group, please contact me or one of our church staff.
Ring the Bell
- Help keep the church bell ringing each day at 10:00 AM.
- Sign up online at
- If you can’t access the online sign up, reach out to me by phone or email.
Outreach is looking at specific, concrete ways you can help out in the weeks ahead, especially as needs grow in our community.
You can share tithes and offerings by:
- Mail. The mailbox is checked regularly and mail sorted to ensure the continued functioning of the church office.
- Giving online through
- Drop off. Place your tithes and offerings in the USPS mailbox outside the church office on the Christian Ministry side (white box). Open the lever and place at the bottom. Then shut so mail goes into the secured locked box.
I’m praying for you and sending you my love as you navigate this strange and uncertain time. Keep looking to shine Christ’s light of love and compassion.
Grace to you and Peace,
Michael Swartzentruber
Senior Minister
PS – You can sign up for informational and inspirational text messages from the church. Text @southelk to 81010 and stay connected to the latest videos, alerts, and updates. Or click here to sign up online.