The Healthy at Church Task Force is beginning to consider when a resumption of in-person worship at South Elkhorn should be recommended to the Cabinet. In making recommendations to the Cabinet, the Task Force considers legal mandates, legal risk, medical data, recommended best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and the Kentucky Department for Public Health, inclusivity for all our members/guests, and how worship could be conducted in various formats.
The Task Force is considering a return to limited, in-person worship at some point in the future, though no target date has been firmly established. The Task Force is also considering certain benchmarks/metrics that would need to be met to ensure indoor worship is safe and inclusive. In completing this work, the Task Force has decided to request our members complete this survey so that we can better understand the opinions and concerns of the congregation.
The following terms will be used in the survey, and understanding these definitions will be helpful in completing the survey:
“Outdoor Worship” is the model we have been using for the last several months. This involves wholly outdoor services, with the congregation attending by “driving in” or by sitting outdoors.
“Modified Indoor Worship” is a return to indoor worship with certain restrictions. Capacity would be limited, so RSVPs to attend worship would be required, and it is possible not everyone who wants to attend could. Services would be shorter and physical distance would need to be maintained between family groups. Mask usage would be required at all times. Congregational singing would not be permitted. (These are only examples of restrictions and the list is not exhaustive. A complete list of restrictions would be recommended by the Task Force to the Cabinet for adoption).
“Regular Indoor Worship” is what we were doing before the pandemic. This would include regular, full-length indoor worship with no restrictions on capacity.
Jacob Walbourn served faithfully and well as the Healthy at Church task force leader in 2020. He remains a vital and involved member of the task force going forward. His role as 2021 Moderator of the Cabinet will now be his primary leadership role. I look forward to continuing the important work of the task force as we recommend policy and guidelines to the Ministry Cabinet. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions.
Morganne Brackney – Medical professional
Jacob Walbourn – Moderator, Elder, Legal professional
Aden Randles – Elder, Personnel Team Chair
Diana McKenzie – Elder, University professional
Phyl Wigglesworth – Elder, Worship Team member
Michael Swartzentruber – Senior Minister
Holly Fuqua – Associate Minister