The whole church celebrates and affirms the precious gift of life in a new child.
The congregation partners with the parents to encourage, instruct, and shape the child in God’s love.
Parents pledge to raise the child before God: with God’s love, empowered by God’s Spirit, and formed in the way of Jesus.
A baby dedication is not a secret formula for keeping a child protected from ever experiencing harm or pain or mistakes. Instead, the blessing is encouragement to parents and the child that when pain, harm, or mistakes come, a gracious God and loving community will be there to walk the journey with them–in love, forgiveness, healing, and hope.
In the bible we read how Hannah prayed for a child and promised God that the child, Samuel, would be given to the Lord all the days of his life. (1 Samuel 1:11, 28). In the New Testament, we discover Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to “present” Him to the Lord (Luke 2:22). In a similar way, families come before God and the church to present, dedicate, and set their child apart for a life of faith.
For more on baby dedications or to schedule one during worship, contact the church office at southelkhorncc@gmail.com or call (859) 223-1433.
Sunday Worship 10:30 AM
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Inspiring Christ’s deeper way of love
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