What does glitter have to do with God?
This weekend is special. You might just discover what glitter has to do with God.
I’m so excited for you to experience the unique gifts of the South Elkhorn youth. The online worship service is led by youth sharing their music, song, prayer, short reflections, a children’s moment, communion, and more. You can tune in on Facebook at 10:30AM on Sunday, or anytime this weekend here.
Their joy, hope, and creativity lifted and elevated my spirit. I suspect it will do the same for you.
And perhaps, like glitter you thought you cleaned up, you’ll keep finding the spiritual sparkle and shimmer is still with you, and you can’t help but spread it to others.
See you (digitally) Sunday,

PS – I’m also really excited about the inspiring opportunities that are coming up.
- There is a Pentecost Parade in the works for Sunday, May 31st. More information coming soon.
- You can help bring appreciation, care, and joy to folks on the frontlines with an Outreach “meals for first responders” initiative here.
PS – I hope to see you this Sunday. You are invited for communion at 11:30 AM. (Follow the directions here). And if you’d like to join a Sunday School by zoom, let me know. I’d be happy to connect you to one of the different groups meeting weekly for conversation and holy connection–one is doing “lectio divina“, another is studying and discussing the scripture passage for the week.
Worship each week with a digital liturgy: pause, pray, sing, reflect, and reconnect.
Digital liturgy is posted each weekend to South Elkhorn’s website and premiers on South Elkhorn’s Facebook page at 10:30AM on Sunday.