Lighting Sabbath Candles
The traditional Sabbath practice, in both the Christian and Jewish faith, begins with lighting a Candle. We light the Christ candle at the start of worship at South Elkhorn to remind us that Christ is present with us. The candle is a hallowed marker of sacred time.
We can light a candle at any point in our day and during our week.
Find a candle, perhaps one that holds some meaning or beauty for you.
Light the candle. Perhaps at a quiet time to begin the day, or before a meal (by yourself or with your family), or to commence the reading of scripture or a good book.
Say a simple prayer. For example: “God of peace, dwell richly in my/our heart.”
Take a few breaths. Slow your soul to enter deeply into the moment and God’s presence.
Allow your mind to rest and enjoy the light. Let the hurry of the world fall away.