Faith in action. Partners in ministry.
The Outreach Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Habitat for Humanity
Lexington Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization that focuses on providing families with homes. Habitat for Humanity is active in constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes; advocating for fair and just housing policies; and providing training and access to resources to help families improve their living conditions.
Each year, Lexington Disciples congregations come together to fund and build a Habitat for Humanity house for a local family. You can participate by donating to the campaign (simply put “Habitat for Humanity” on your check or online gift) or volunteer to help build or serve food to the builders.
Learn more about Lexington Habitat for Humanity here or contact Alan Campbell at about our next build.

God’s Pantry Food Bank
God’s Pantry Food Bank is committed to reducing hunger in Kentucky. Hunger can affect anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, or gender. Together with more than 400 food pantries and meal programs, God’s Pantry is making a difference in our community.
South Elkhorn is proud to be a drop-off location for non-perishable food donations for God’s Pantry. The blue donation bin can be found next to the kitchen in the Christian Ministry Center. In addition to donating food, there are many ways to volunteer.
Learn more about God’s Pantry Food Bank or ways to volunteer here.

Finding Freedom through Friendship
Finding Freedom through Friendship (FFF) is a Lexington based nonprofit working with abandoned women in Guatemala and Egypt. Alleviating poverty by providing shelter, health, nutrition, education, micro loans, and life skills, FFF provides long-term sustainability of the individual, community, and subsequent generations.
South Elkhorn supports the organization’s efforts through annual financial gifts through the Outreach Committee and Martha’s Circle. Each fall, FFF brings fair trade crafts available for purchase from their respective countries.
Learn more about Finding Freedom through Friendship here.

Week of Compassion
Week of Compassion (WoC) is the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. WoC works with partners around the world to alleviate suffering through disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and sustainable development.
South Elkhorn celebrates the work of Week of Compassion each February with a special offering. Your financial gifts support this ministry as they work year-round to help save lives.
Learn more about Week of Compassion here.

GleanKY gathers and redistributes excess fresh fruits and vegetables to nourish Kentucky’s hungry. By gleaning (gathering) excess produce from farms, orchards, grocery stores, farmers markets and home gardens, GleanKY reduces local food waste and provides fruits and vegetables for more than 100 feeding programs.
Volunteer gleaners are an important part of GleanKY. Gleaners pick up fresh produce from a source (grocery store, farm, etc.) and immediately deliver it to a recipient site (food pantry, hunger agency, etc.) where it can be distributed to those in need. Gleaning usually only takes a couple hours and you can sign up for a time that fits your schedule.
Learn more about GleanKY and how to become a gleaner here.

Honor Flights
The Honor Flight Network is a nonprofit organization focused on honoring America’s veterans. Veterans are transported to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to senior veterans – World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill. The only cost is to the companion who accompanies the veteran.
South Elkhorn provides designated Outreach funds to cover the cost of the companion for any church veteran who has the financial need.
Learn more about the Honor Flight here.
Serve Days
More information coming soon.