We want to share the adventure of faith with you.
We want to welcome you into the South Elkhorn Christian Church family so you can learn, love, grow, and serve. During the singing of the last hymn of the worship service, you will be invited to come to the front of the church and welcomed by the pastors.
Here are the different ways you can join:
By Profession of Faith and Baptism
A person who begins the Christian life does so through baptism, which is a symbol of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. The profession of faith is a response to the question: “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and do you pledge to spend the rest of your days figuring out just what that means?”
By Transfer from Another Church
Since you have been baptized into the Christian faith in another church, it is not necessary to be re-baptized to celebrate your spiritual growth. You will be asked only to reaffirm your faith.
Associate Membership
If your membership is in another church and you wish to retain that membership in your “home” church, you can become an Associate Member. Many students attending local colleges or universities choose to take this route.
Membership enables you to vote at congregational meetings (scheduled annually for December), which determine the budget and leadership of South Elkhorn. Membership signals your commitment to faith and the ministry of South Elkhorn. It thereby qualifies you for important leadership roles in the life of the church, like Elder or Deacon.
You can learn more about membership and the mission, ministry, and values of our church at Explore South Elkhorn. Click here to find out when the next gathering of newcomers and curious souls is scheduled.