Children’s Worship & Wonder (CWW)
In CWW we “talk more slowly”, “walk more softly”, and “listen more carefully” as we have all the time we need.
CWW is a faith formation and worship-centered approach with storytelling, ritual, and fellowship. It is used with children to help them deepen their relationship with God. CWW is for children ages 3 years- 3rd grade.
You can watch a story below.
What do the children do?
Children are welcomed into a very warm and gentle structure from week to week. Because there is a ritual to this time together the children are free to relax into the space and go deeper into the stories. They can truly enter into a time of listening and talking with God. As children transition from Children’s Worship & Wonder into adult worship, they are familiar with the rhythm and joy of worshiping.
What should my child expect when they enter?
The children come into a special worship space where a storyteller is waiting to greet them. They sit in a circle, surrounded by bible stories made just for them, with all materials at their height. Everything in this special, sacred setting is accessible to the children. The storyteller leads the children in a time of singing and praise.
Do they engage the bible?
After they respond to the sacred story in a way they choose, the children come back to the circle. Here the storyteller lights the Christ candle and shows the children where the story they heard is found in the Bible. Then as a community they pray together and share in a feast.
How do I pickup my child?
We ask our parents to wait in the hallway and not enter our special place of worship as someone might be talking to God. Once we are finished, we will open the door, call the child’s name, and the child will come to the hallway.